15 February 2017

Spring Activities for Spanish & French Classes

With spring coming up just around the corner, I've compiled some fun spring related activities for French and Spanish class!

1. Take a nature walk! Have your students collect objects in nature ~ things like blades of grass, wildflowers, pieces of bark...
After the walk, return to class with the collected objects. Give each student a photocopy page with the numbers 1-5 on it (you can make the activity harder by using the number words spelled out without the numerals). Students will place the correct number of objects into each numbered area of the page. Have them glue the objects to their pages.
If you are not able to take the class outside for a nature walk, have available objects typical of spring for students to sort and count. They can use seeds, photographs of birds, paper or silk flowers ...

2. For Spanish class, learn a spring poem. For French class, make a Mardi Gras mask.

3. Spring is the perfect time to talk about gardens, plants, vegetables ...  As a part of a garden/vegetable unit, I love to do the celery science experiment. But this Walking Water experiment looks super cool too! It would be a great way to review colors.

4. Eat the parts of a plant! It would be quick and easy to create your own version of this activity in Spanish or French.

5. Play a game outside! In Spanish class you can play Rayuela and in French class, play la PĆ©tanaque.

What are your favorite Spring lesson plan activities? Comment below!

01 February 2017

World Language Class Valentine's Day Craftivity

I'm using Shrinky dinks again! I loved them when I was a child and I still do!! This time we are using Shrinky dinks for a Valentine's day craftivity.

This is what we are going to do ...

1. We are going to use a freebie from Teaching 4 Real. To use the same image and size as me, use my printable found here. If you use my printable, the finished product will measure about 2 inches by 2 inches.

2. You'll need Shrinky dink film. I used the clear kind found here. With the clear film you will need to use permanent markers. If you buy the frosted kind with the rough side, you can use colored pencils. Find the frosted kind here
Or use this super inexpensive method using recycled materials in place of buying the film {I've never tried this but it looks cool!}

3. Give each student a printed heart and a piece of Shrinky dink film. The students will trace and color their hearts. You can give them options for what to write in the rectangle in the target language, or give them all just one sentence to write such as "Je t'aime." or "Te quiero."

4. If you want to make the craft into a necklace or key chain, hole punch the hearts after coloring. Now you are set to bake the names using the shrinky dink directions {or the BabyFirst directions if you are using the super inexpensive method}.

5. After baking you are set to make them into necklaces or key chains, or use them to create Valentine's day cards.

Ready to continue the party? Select the image below for February readers and other items!